the link to or are down
is it possible to view the source because it's pretty nice!
do you have an idea how they did the motown classic website?
i'ts pretty nice!
i want to do the scroll bar with the inertia and the rebond at the end.
i'm not to good at math so if you have any idea please let me know! :)
the thing is the second swf load on level 1 (on top on the other one)
in the first swf there's 4 buttons
on each button there is a variable
and it open the second swf
the second swf must go to a different frame (or scene) depending on the variable of the first swf.
i can't belive i can't...
i really nedd help here.
i have 2 swf. in the first i determine a variable and then open the second swf with a loadmovie action. now the second swf need to know the variable to go to the right frame.
it would be so simple if i knew how to open a swf from another swf at a specific frame or...
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