I have a database that has several date fields, Order Date, Req Date, and Canx Date. If the Canx Date is left blank, it automatically fills in 1/1/1900. I want to create criteria in a query that says if (canx date="1/1/1900",req date, canx date).
I am currently using between [Enter Start Date] and [Enter End Date] as criteria on a query. This makes it ask for the start date and end date. The problem is, this is a base query for 4 different queries for 4 different dates. What I actually need is "last month" (September, not...
I have a query that runs against several tables and return all records for a date range. I need a report that has this information on it for 4 different date ranges.
Last Month
Year to Date
Last Year Last Month
Last Year Year to Date
Is this possible?
Almost every line in the bas file causes an "invalid outside procedure" error. Below is an example:
Open "COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS50000,DS50000,TB2048,RB2048" For Random As #1
Color 7, 9
'the first section of this program...
We have some labels that we print out on an old DOS computer using a .bat to call a .bas file. It prints directly to the printer port (com 1) on the printer. Is there any way to convert these to VB so that I can update the computer to W2K or XP?
I tried your suggestion. It just gives me the number of bundles. What I need is to get it to run the query x times where x=the number of bundles, appending the table each time it runs.
I tried to post this in the past. I probably wasn't clear enough. I'll try again. Here's the setup.
100 10
101 20
102 20
25 100 20
26 102 40
27 101 100
28 103 10
First, let me say sorry for being such a newbie.
SQL connection to dbo_jomast, dbo_joitem, and dbo_inmast
SELECT DISTINCTROW dbo_jomast.fjobno, dbo_joitem.fpartno, dbo_joitem.fmqty, dbo_inmast.fnusrcur1
FROM (dbo_inmast INNER JOIN dbo_jomast ON (dbo_inmast.frev = dbo_jomast.fpartrev) AND...
I make belts. Belts are made in bundles of 20. An order is placed for 400 belts. I need to generate bundle tickets(autonumber) for each bundle. The bundle size information comes from linked table 2. The Job number comes from linked table 1. How do I create a query that will autonumber from...
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