to check extents in tables on a database for more than 7 extents:
select tabname Tabla, count(*) Fragmentos, sum(size) Tamaqo from sysextents where dbsname = 'dbname' group by tabname having count(*) > 7 order by 2 DESC, 1
either you must use for a particular table in a database...
Dbexport do not management more than 2Gb in a tape, you must use option -s with maximun of 2Gb, when a tape is full (2 Gb) dbexport prompt for the next tape.
The tunning consist of three elements, Disk, Memory o CPU, you can see where the problem is using system commands and informix utilities (I think onstat -p is very useful).
it's recomendable start with disk (the most slow device), review spaces, extents in your tables, queues (onstat -g ioq)...
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