Probably, a more appropriate and refined way of my question is that how can I enforce Referential Integrity between 2 or more of my DataTables in VB.NET.
Please help.
I am new to ADO.NET. I wish to know how to set a DataRelation object so that;
If a row in the Parent DataTable be deleted, the corresponding rows in any Child DataTable objects are also automatically deleted.
If the value of the primary key field in the parent row is modified, the change...
I have copied the DataGridCboBoxColumn class into my project and tried to use it on Windows Form as suggested by cmn2 on 16 Nov 05 in this forum. Let me repeat the rest of my problem:
I dropped a DataGrid control & a ComboBox control on the form at design time and populated them with data at...
I tried the solution for "Adding ComboBox to DataGrid control" posted on 16th. November. I could not understand the DataGrid part of it.
I dropped a DataGrid control & a ComboBox control on the form at design time and populated them with data at run-time.
Both the controls are displaying data...
Thanks Christiaan Baes for the response.
Is VB.NET Express Edition fully functional for developing small-scale applications or is it for learning purpose only?
Please let me know.
R. A. Abbasi
After installing Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 on top of Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, how can I use the later Framework version, in my already installed, VB.NET 2003 programs instead of the earlier one?
Any advice will be appreciated.
R. A. Abbasi
I tried the expected GetUpdateCommand method of the CommandBuilder object to retrieve the Update Query generated by the object. But, it just returns the fully qualified name of the object ("System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand").
I could not find any other way. If anyone can let me know, how can I get...
OleDbCommandBuilder was not supposed to be included.
Please elaborate more on the suggestion "amend the DataRows returned from the resulting select query and then update the dataset".
I am precisely interested in using the Update method of the DataAdapter object.
The following procedure does not Update the record(s).
Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click
Dim dadapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter...
Unfortunately there is no help pertaining to this particular scenario.
A solution with the Update method of the DataAdapter (Not using the ExecuteNonQuery method of the Command object) will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much Christiaan Baes for the response.
The ExecuteNonQuery method is quite straightforward.
As a matter of fact, I am interested in finding a solution with the Update method of the DataAdapter for an academic purpose and I believe, there will be a way to do it.
Further help will...
The following procedure (refined from the previous one) still does not actually commence the InsertCommand property to physically insert a row into the DataSet.
Private Sub btnInsert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As...
Thanks Andrea for the reply.
I want the concept cleared. I had added the table "dt" in an attempt to meet the Update rquirement of a DataTable. My confusion is that do not the following lines of code fill the table:
Dim DS As DataSet = New DataSet
da.Fill(DS, "Customers")
I retrieved the following function from VB.NET help and added a few statements for updating the datasource. But, it does not actually commence the InsertCommand property of the DataAdapter in order to physically insert a row into the DataSet. Please help...
Actually, I just want to get some of my concepts and confusions cleared.
Let me start coding something and then I may get back to the forum for further explaination.
Thanks and regards.
No, no, I mean calling JavaScript routine(s) from within ASP code - how to do it!
Secondly, what if I intend to manipulate my files on the Server using JavaScript?
Sorry for not being able to convey my confusions clearly.
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