You know, just a couple of minutes ago, we decided not to support that browser. That was just one of the quirks of the browser. There's many more (regular expressions for instance). I want to thank you for following up on this. It's REALLY very nice of you.
Ok, after I add the row to the table, I do:
which generates precisely this: "undefined".
FF and everything else work fine. No errors.
What I do in the code is create a select element and then populate it from an array. It's the populate stage where I get the error -- I get something like "undefined" whenever I try to access it.
Yes, the table is inside a form. It works in all browsers but the Mac IE. doesn't do it. What's interesting is that when I do alert(myRow.innerHTML), everything looks fine. The element has the right name attribute. Here's the output of the alert:
<TD><SELECT name=my_name...
I've got this pesky problem with the IE under Mac (5.1). Here's the code.
var myTable = document.getElementById("tableID").getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var myRow = document.createElement('TR');
var myTD = document.createElement('TD');
var elem = document.createElement('select')...
Hmm, take a look at the article below. Would be curious about your thoughts.
So how do I do it across browsers without sniffing?
In IE it's: elem = createElement("<select name='my_name'>")
In FF: elem = createElement('select'); = 'my_name'
In Safari: elem = createElement('select'); elem.setAttribute('name', 'my_name');
Safari doesn't error back on =...
Sorry, it did work when I created a simple case. Something within my more complicated case is messing it up, but I'll figure it out. Thanks A LOT for the tip!!!
Here's a thread I found that sort of discusses what I'm talking about:
A related question to my previous posts is: if "if (event)" in a function that doesn't have "event" defined produces "event undefined", then how come checking for...
Yep, I know that window.event is IE only. See, I think, the problem with your version of the function is that if it's assigned within a form like so: "<INPUT type="button" onclick="enterPressed(event)">, it will work in IE because after a series of lookups in the scope chain, it will eventually...
here's a function that I have a question about:
function enterPressed(e) {
var charCode;
if (window.event) {
charCode = event.keyCode;
else {
charCode = e.which;
// alert(charCode);
if (charCode == 13) {
return true;
else {
return false;
Yep, you're absolutely right. That's what I ended up doing. I tried to play with attachEvent (IE only) and addEventListener (everything but IE) and onclick worked best.
Thank you!
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