here is the idea: bank A and bank B
| |input # of rocks |_|, or not (check box)
| | x, y coordinates (if input)
| | x: |_|, y: |_| |submit every rock|
A| | B
| |
| |
| | |draw and...
well #3 problem is solved. hope i didn't mislead anybody. still trying to solve those above. if you still need the #3 here it is(use your own number in ListTemplates(#)):
sub renum()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'find first heading 2
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory...
well sometimes yes sometimes no. i don't get it why. i'm trying without false attributes. it works for now. so i will leave it at that.
there is still the first problem. don't know how to shorten that one.
problem #3:
now i'm trying to start renumbering after every Heading 2.
what it looks...
stil need help with my macro. now i'm optimizing it. i have done it the way it should be, but it is too long. i came from 884 lines down to 444 lines of code. before, it send out the error, the microsoft alert: Send/Don't Send report. dont know why.(this happend when i ran it at: open the...
solution my way if anybody is interested:
*-* with macro copied data from other WD documents
*-* styles are copied also with one exception: only one text with Heading2 wont work(still don't get it, it wont work even with
i came up with a new idea. copy files manualy. all styles too into a template which already has stiles as they should be + more, and just reapply the styles.
i have tried with
ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading2).Font.Bold = True
ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading2).Font.Name = "Arial"...
'here is the code
filenum1 = FreeFile
Filename = "C:\WD1.doc"
Open Filename For Input Access Read As filenum1
filenum2 = FreeFile
Filename2 = "C:\WD2.doc"
Open Filename2 For Append As filenum2
'1. first the style
1. here gives the...
i have tried moving styles by code and it does move the styles, but after i run the other part of the code(copy text) and try to open the document it askes me "select the encoding that makes your document readable". i tried selecting almost every one of them but stil doesnt work. it puts out...
there is a problem doing it manually. there is over 1000 documents to do every week. so that is why i need it by script. so no. 3 by gerry would be probably ok. if you -gerry can help with some code it would be great.
first i will try to copy all styles(manually) and then by script move text...
i need a macro which copies text with its stiles and paragraphs and so on from one word document(WD1) to another word document(WD2). there are new stiles added for text in WD1 and they dont show up in WD2.
i made the code just to copy text without stiles.
dont know where to write this so if you do, please point me to it. i need a macro which copies tekst with its stiles and paragraphs and so on from one word document to another word document.
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