hello. I've just installed oracle database 10 personal and oracle developer 10 and made the configurations needed regarding the locat net service, but when open the forms builder and try to connect to the database, i get an error saying there is no listener, even if i did set it already.
well, i worked a while with this version and i'm familiar with it.
i also tried to install oracle 10 version, but i get a warning
saying that i must configure Microsoft LoopBack Adapter to be the primary network adapter of the system.
Does anyone know how i can do that?
i found something on the...
i have a kit of Oracle 8 personal edition and i tried to instal it on win xp but every time i get the same error message:
pkg.map(0):FILE_NOT_FOUND while mapping pkg.
Does anyone know what i could do to solve this problem??/
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