You didn't say which cloud based POS system you use. Would you mind sharing that, and perhaps your cost? Also, what bandwidth internet connection do you operate with? One of my challenges is that the business is a marina, obviously on a lake and away from the commercial sector...
Is the SaaS system you use a POS system? If so, can you say if its either Halo or NetPOS, which are the two I'm currently looking at. Determining long term cost / benefit on this (or any IT) investment is a challenge, so anything you can share specifically is much appreciated.
TobeThor...I appreciate that. I didn't mean to sound agitated. As noted, I'm not a user of forum so I may have violated protocol and my needs / wants may not be suited for such. The restaurant is small, seats 40 (for now at least w/ room to expand), will be run by my sister-in-law who has 20...
I was directed to this forum by a friend who thought it might serve useful, and there has been some informative commentary. But, it seems as though the discussion has focused on why I shouldn't invest in a web-based system and should invest in a PC based system. I passed that stage a...
I will certainly do that. Not really a tech hound. Am a CPA that's been in private industry as a CFO for over 10 yrs (was in public over 25 yrs), with 2 different public companies. Now with a start up. The marina is mostly an investment with my sister and her husband who will run it. (But...
I appreciate that. And, yes the $5,500 certainly does not include any support / subscription cost. It's $99 per month for each terminal, unlimited. (Discounted if paid for upfront.) It's a double edge sword. Since the system is not PC based there's no hardware other than what you...
We are looking at both systems. We own a marina with a separate restaurant and will run POS registers in both the marina (convenience store) and the restaurant. Would appreciate any comments from anyone familiar with either system, or especially if you went through the comparison process...
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