I forgot. This is the error that is returned:
Variable PASSWORD is undefined.
The Error Occurred in C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\DiveData\NewMemberDetails.cfm: line 4
2 :
3 : <CFIF Password NEQ Password2 OR
4 ...
Ok. Here goes. There's gonna be a lot of text here, and I can understand if nobody wants to look through but I can't figure out what's wrong so I thought I'd just post everything. What I'm trying to achive is to have th CF 2nd CF page to check the data entered in the form to see if the...
I have a form that will post to a CF page. The form has two fields to fill in with names 'Password and Password2.'
I have the following code in my CF page:
<CFIF #Password# NEQ #Password2# OR
LEN(TRIM(Form.Password)LTE 0)>
<CFSET Error1="Please Check Password.<br>">
Is there a way to do it using HTML only. I simply want to change the current page to another. e.g. if they type in a URL, it brings up another in the same page that will say something like, "Closed for Maintenance"
Hi. Small problem. I have a search page. On it I have search by Country and by City. If both fields are filled in there's no problem. If just one is filled in it still looks for two. e.g. I search for the country "Kenya" but don't enter anything on the form for city, then even if...
DOH! Silly me. Thanks. That problem solved. Another ones popped up. Now when it returns the search results, it displays each records the same number of times that there are returned records. If there are 10 records returned, then each one is displayed 10 times, so I end up with 100.
this is my...
Was wondering if anyone can see anything wrong with my code here. It supposed to bring up a reulst page which is limited to 10 results at a time, with a newxt and previous link to navigate to other records. The end result, when the form returns the Country variable, is a line of the link...
I'm new to Coldfusion but I'm learning fast. Hoever I'm kinda stumped at how I can get a user to edit their details. I have a page where they can send their details to be inputed into the Access 2000 database and a page that can view those details. But if the somone changes address or...
Well I had a similar issue, but all I did was change the TYPE from "text" to "password". It then displays the asterisk symbols instead of the typed in text. try it.
Password: <INPUT TYPE="Password" Name="Password">
I owe you one anyway. :)
I'm no expert as I'm only learning myself but I believe that if you use the following, it should work:
<INPUT TYPE="Password" Name="blahblah"> and so on.
Simple as that... I think ;)
Sorry. Ignore all that. All I had to do was cahnge the properties in the Access Database, but I still have trouble with the Logo which can be uploaded. If that is left empty, it doesn't work. This is my code for that.
<CFFILE ACTION="Upload" FILEFIELD="Form.Logo"...
No. Still Doesn't work. I get a page telling me that the thing can't be zero length. This is my code so far. The form itself is a page called "Test4.HTM"
It's a bit long but the bit you said to put in is right at the top. (CFPARAM)
<CFPARAM NAME="Test4.Country"...
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