You see, the whole purpose of the clock is to give the 'users' of the website an idea of when a certain event is taking place. They already know the exact time, it is just a fresh reminder.
I'd rather have an hour-wise accurate clock using php date() than have second-wise accurate clock, yet...
I only showed parts of the code so I wouldn't flood the thread so fast.
The reason I'm using PHP's date, regarldess of the delay, which in THIS particular case does not represent any loss, or problem, or flaw, is because many many users do not have their computer clock's properly set.
I am building an advanced countdown timer and am currently stuck in the following bit:
Basically what it 'did' in javascript was to get now's date with date(); every second with the use of the SetTimeOut function. However, for reliability, I was forced to adjust the timer to the...
Here's a further explanation of what I said above:
The code, taking the conditionals aside, basically uses date() to establish the date to which the countdown will tick to while also checking the user's local time so that a difference between the THEN and the NOW may be obtained, and thus the...
Greetings, I have the following code:
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!-- //start
// NOTE: the month entered must be one less than current month. ie; 0=January, 11=December
// NOTE: the hour is in 24 hour format. 0=12am, 15=3pm etc
// example: dateFuture = new...
It is better, and certainly more useful, if you place all of your CSS code (what you have in your header) into a CSS page and then reference it like this:
<title>Your Website Title</title>
<link href="name_of_your_css_file_or_page.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
What I gather from the page is a list of categories with dynamic subcategories.
If for now, all you want to do is copy what has, I'd suggest starting by the simplification of your SQL tables, whose structure should look like this:
In my code (an aspx page) I do my own authenticaton. So I sign in with code. When I want to add any contact to my list I have to go through the usual 2 pop-ups (confirmations) which I just click next on before having the contact finally added.
I'd like to find a way to overcome these two steps...
In my code (an aspx page) I do my own authenticaton. So I sign in with code. When I want to add any contact to my list I have to go through the usual 2 pop-ups (confirmations) which I just click next on before having the contact finally added.
I'd like to find a way to overcome these two steps...
I've been looking desperately all over the web and this is the only relevant info I found:
Where you are suggested to use an applet and then a simple a href:
I think developing applications with the SDK kit is a bit too extreme for this singular case. I don't forsee any 'improvements' for the website regarding this particular area. The automatic contact addition will be the only tool with a relation to msn, if we can even call it a 'tool'.
I am making a contact list for one of the websites I'm working on and given most of the users rely on a combination of AIM and MSN, I've run into this particular problem.
There is a javascript code which allows you to make a link that when clicked, (and if you have AIM open at the time) loads...
Oh, I'm sorry, I was slow to pick this up.
Dynamically loading the query values $row_query['field'] works, but what about...
And making that dynamically become $var_1, $var_2, etc.??
I haven't quite figured how to have the code 'reinterpretate' it as a var after the dynamic number has...
Thanks, Sleidia's solution worked just fine.
I feel dumb but I swear I had tried to insert a var within the [] and it hadn't worked then. I guess I must of made a mistake =/
Whatever the case, your help is greatly appreciated.
I've run across a particular predicament:
I am building a website for some pc gaming team and while doing a sub section of the MATCHES area, problems arose.
If each team has 4 players, and the match ends when either side runs out players by playing best out of one, you can have...
The thing is, I got:
<table width="400" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
And an inside do while loop in the second row of such table. How do you get the double quotes to not interfere with eachother?
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