I've created a simple asp.net project where I can search for customers by name in my SQL database using LINQ Contains(). From there I'd like to open up my VFP9 program the custormer id.
What I have now to test my vfp code:
Normal Windows shortcut, properties:
Target: C:\Data\test.exe...
Thanks for your reply!
In this case I was just trying one function to update 10000+ records and I found that using SQLEXEC() was much much faster then regular update/replace in a remove view and simpler then a stored procedure.
Question: How do I ensure that my dbc is open?
I'm using a SQL database, I have in VFP9 the tables as remote views and a (Project Manager>Data>Databases>varu>)Connection called Upsize with a connectionstring (below). It's stored in my Data\Varu.dbc file.
Is there any way to refer to my Upsize connectionstring like this or similar...
I'm quite new to Visual Foxpro and would like some help with a for loop.
I have the fields klubb1-12 in my table and lets say all even numbers are "checked" (klubb1="1", klubb2="2" etc) and I would like to loop through some rows and move everything +1. So if 2 is checked, then unckeck 2...
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