In my update function i have a syntax error but i cannot find the reason.Can you help me?
Public Function UpdateFields()
Dim strSQLC As String
strSQLC = " UPDATE products INNER JOIN [order details] ON products.productid=[order details].productid SET " & _
" , [order details].cartons =...
n my work i often do copy all the objects of the database to a new database.Can i also copy the relationships instead of creating them anew? Is there a command in Access to copy all the relationships ?
In the table underlying the subform i have added a name to the caption.Now when i make a query the field appears with the name of the caption.However, in the subform, this change appears not to be refllected.
The field appears with its original name and not with the caption i have entered for...
In my subform i have controls which i want to rename but i
do not want to change the real names of the fields in the
tables,nor add the name to the Caption in the field of the
table.Is it possible ?
For example, in the table [Order details] i have a field called Quantity.I want...
I have the folloiwng working code :
If IsNull(Me!Quantity) And Me!cartons = 0 And Me.Parent!Customerid <> 123
I want to add on the following condition, meaning that it will be valid only when the the button Command580 is not pressed :
And Is Not Null Me.Parent!Command580 Then
But my line...
I have a very nice function that works well,but for some reasons in my code i want to make my function public and i get always mistaked saying that the filed branch cannot be found.Could you help me rearrange the function to be public ?
Private Function lop() , placed in the subform FOrder...
I have a combo box called CustomerID with which i use to select the customer i want.If i select a cutsomer that does not exist, then
the folloiwng message appears:
" The text you entered isnt an item in the list.Select an item from the list or enter text that matches one of the listed items"...
In my report called rptStockFlow i have the products
underlined with red if balance is not equal to in - out:
Const conNormal = 400
Const conHeavy = 900 ' exra bold
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
If Me![balance] <> Me!In - Me!Out Then...
In my database for issuing orders i have problems when i
want to to open an old order in order to edit it.
My main form is called FOrderInformation and the subform
FOrder details extended.
i choose the order from a list box called ListOrders.
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria...
Is there a way in Access to find matches in the company
names between 2 tables that are not related?
My first table consists of the following fields:
CustomerID - the field is autonumber
The second tables cosnsits of the folowing fields:
ContactID the field is autonumber...
I have some mistake in my If Else statement.Could you please help me
find it out ?
If IsNull(Me!Estate) Then
Else If isNull (Me!Rents)Then
End If
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