What im looking for is a tutorial that will walk me through creating a flash that will perform a sendandLoad action everytime a button is clicked and then will update a database.
Any tutorials will help, thanks.
OK here is the current problem im using this code in flash
clickButton.onRelease = function() {
clicked = new LoadVars();
clicked.num = 1;
clicked.ran = random(20000);
clicked.sendAndLoad("http://localhost/clicked.php", clicked, "_POST");
delete clicked;
//the above...
ok ive got the code to work now but how will it work ??
I mean what file will it be looking for where and will it run every time the background is clicked??
Thanks for the fast reply but im getting this error message:
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: Statement must appear within on handler
clickButton.onRelease = function() {
Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1
What I want to have is whenever the flash screen is clicked a .php is run maybe called clicks.php. What this file will do is add 1 to a value in a mysql database, in escense logging how many clicks a user makes.
Also would it be possible to not make it run that .php when a user clicks on a...
Nah couldnt figure out what your saying, but never mind i found this code that will disable right clicks and any keys while in flash.
fscommand("showmenu", "false");
fscommand("trapallkeys", "false");
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