I've inserted a link to a secured web site into my PowerPoint presentation. Now every time I click on it I get a security error ("A security problem has occurred") What could be the reason for it? And how can I make it work? I assumed that it should take me to a secured web site...
My supressed data is based on the following formula:
if {patch.name} = {?sp} then true
else false
I am supressing based on parameter. Is this going to cause issues?
Could someone please tell me how I can count (distinct count) the records that are displayed on the report (not counting records that are supressed). I do not want to count the records that are in the details section and are supressed in the Section Expert based on a certain condition. I would...
i need to select records from the database that would equal a number (close to a hundred) of userIDs. Is there any way to automate this selection process as opposed to typing these multiple userIDs in the select expert one by one (in the "one of" category)? Is it possible...
mrquest, synapsevampire, roswald
actually, THANK YOU all for continuing this thread -- I am very interested in your suggestions.... mrquest -- good question! very helpful to me as well...
Thank you, synapsevampire. I may come back to you all with more questions, as I start working on such queries... I appreciate the help of every one who responded to my question.
dgillz, thank you for your answer. Could you pelase elaborate on the Union query definition? I tried to search Crystal Reports help and could not find anything about Union queries... Thank you.
Could someone please tell me if it is possible to query 2 databases at the same time for one report? and if so, now can I access the second database in the Database Expert?
Thank you so much,
but I do get the machines that have that channel, only it is not listed in the channel field -- other channels are listed for that machine...
and i need to ELIMINATE the machines that don't have that channel... :(
any suggestions?
I am trying to pull a list of names from "machine" table of all the machines that do not have a certain application (channel) installed. As a result, I created a following formula in Select Expert:
{channel.url} <> "http://marimbalb.alltel.com:5282/ACI/ms03-026"
and now...
Thank you for your reply! :) I figured that it sorts alphabetically and just added a., b., c., "bullets" to my category names.... Thanks again!
Thank you both so much for replying. I do need groups in order to create charts. The design of my report is something like this:
first, I pull from database table "machine name", distinct count of which is 20,223
next to it, I pull "OS" field from another linked table --...
Need assistance on the following issue please...
In my report I have the following categories (fields):
machinename (distinct count = 20,223)
OS for each machine (count = 20, 223)
processor (count = 20,283) -- the count of processors is always 60 items more, because some machines have more...
I created a report with several groups and sub groups. When the report is refreshed, the group totals are refreshed as well. There is a chart in the report, which charts the main groups' data in the legend. Now, I need to create another "legend" that would contain data of the sub...
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