What if there is not a DNS server internally to put in the first line.
dhcpd address [addresses] inside
lets say the asa is and the public DNS are and
I would then give the command:
dhcpd address inside
dhcpd dns
My goal is not to hand...
Hi. I am setting up a Cisco ASA5505 that has a static IP address. I am wondering how I can enable DNS forwarding on the ASA. I want the internet DNS queries forwarded from the ASA to the public DNS IP I am using. Is this possible? I want my clients behind the ASA to use the IP address of...
Hi. I built a tunnel between 2 ASA's. The tunnel is working fine (to my knowledge). I can communicate with everything on one side of the tunnel, and on the other side I can communicate with everything EXCEPT the inside interface on that ASA. I need to be able to access this interface on the...
Is the ASA capabile of doing DNS internally? Or does it just have forwarding capabilities? How would one enable DNS on the ASA 5510 on the inside interface ?
thanks in advance
i think i know what is going on. When I do a dir flash: it shows the flash info for the integrated 8MB flash. When I do a dev, it should show a Flash: and a Flash:1, but it doesn't. So i think my flasg chip is bad and somehow the ios is stuck in the 8MB on board flash. If anyone had a 800...
how can i check to be sure that the router is even recognizing the flash? dir flash: ? dev?
dev reveals:
Devices in device table:
id name
flash: flash
dir flash reveals:
rommon 2 > dir flash:
File size Checksum File name
7533388 bytes (0x72f34c)...
del does not work. I flashed the ROM with c831-k9o3y6-mz.124-16.bin last week, then it said it did not have enopugh memory to run all of the ffeatures. Then it started rebooting itself. It was in a loop for about 8 hours when I was at work, then when I got home it was stuck in rommon.
cisco.com, all of them. I have tried almost everyone they list for 831. This same image worked last week too. One day I can home and it was rebooting itself and I could not replace the IOS.
even if i remove the flash (intel notched chip) I still get
when booting:
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(11r)YV6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
C800/SOHO series (Board ID: 29-128) platform with 49152 Kbytes...
Hi. My router recently will not boot from the flash. I keep getting the rommon prompt. When it tries to boot I get:
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(11r)YV6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
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