SUBSTRING(string, start, length). In Microsoft Access and MySQL, you can use. MID(string, start, length). In Oracle, use. SUBSTR(string, start, length). A good ...
Got "Undefined function 'SubStr' in expression" leaving Order By after first SELECT string ....
Reminder .... using MS Access to build queries via ODBC connection to Oracle.
First, I'm using MS Access as a READ ONLY Front-End to a Oracle dB via ODBC.
I have a query that I cannot seem to figure out why it is not sorting correctly.
Trying to sort the PATH_NAME field first, in particular the 8th thru 10th characters. So I thought I would try the "Mid" function. Also...
Thanks for the assistance Missingling
Yes, currently I do have two (2) records that do go to value above 9, i.e. 10 and 12 (see below)
I forgot about something else too, I have the following at the end of a few records as well ".....(1A)"
Here are some records/examples of the field...
I have a text field that have a few records with a consistent string at the end, i.e. "....... Disk 1 of 4" or "...... Disk 1 of 3"
Characters before the "Disk 1 of #" varies so the Left function will not work
Thought of using "Mid", but don't think that will work either ?
I would like to...
First, would like to say THANKS to all the GREAT support folks here for taking the time to help n00bs like me.
Having a problem with the following in a qry:
Total Pipe Length...
Why I thought (and tried) "mm:ss" would work is beyond me. I mean NN makes more sense for "Minutes", why would anyone try MM, stupid me.... ;-)
I never had to express TIME till now, worked with dates a little.
HH:NN:SS ..... well it's permanetly embeded now !!
I did try Googling, most dealt...
Here's my best solution.
In a qry I used the following expression:
Time: Mid([Length],4,5)
Is this the proper way ?
"Everyday is a new learning experience"
One more thing I forgot to mention, when done with the process the following "12:03:23 AM" is displayed in the table for "03:23". Guess I can work with this and truncate in the qry/report.
PS: I couldn't figure out how to edit my post once it was posted so I could add the above, so I created...
What is 03:23 in Excel is being converted to "0.0023479861111" during the import into MS Access 2003.
When trying to Import a Excel file containing a column where the format for ALL the cells in that column are Cat: "Custom" Type: mm:ss.
When I step through the Import process and get to...
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