that's it Olaf. I have code in mybasefrm.error() and I need it in other forms derived from mybasefrm. I use vfp7. How can I change the priority that on error is launching.
it does'nt work if I make a '*' in the error() method of the form.
on error is not launching
even if I try: do database xyz
llError is not changeing
it must have something with
toolbar.prior() && lnResult = _screen.ActiveForm.Prior()
activeform.prior() && mybasfrm::prior()
mybasfrm.prior() && change the rec
activeform.prior() && here...
now I guess I have the reason but no solution.
in my thread184-1052156 I had a problem with parm because the method is called from a toolbar.
This code now runs at the same method
may be I also have to use the DoDefault???
thank you all,
I find out all procedures and all your advices are working, if I run it in a single my.prg.
I guess the problem is in my environment or settings, that's what I have to find out.
on error does'nt fire - I don't know why -
I try to set safty on - it was'nt
if I find the solution...
I use this code to check if the table is in use:
local llerror
lcStlFileName="02155.stk" (it's a dbf)
ON ERROR llerror = .T.
lcStkl= SYS(5)+CURDIR()+'BELEGE\'+ lcStlFileName
IF llerror
thisform.Caption = "file is in use !!!"
your right, Mybasefrm ist returning the result to the click in button with no problem.
But I like to act according of the result in the active forms prior() method and send the result ahead to the button.
the toolbar has buttons like first,prior,next,last ....
and I use it with almost...
I use a toolbar with a button prior
in I call
lnResult = _screen.ActiveForm.Prior()
the ActiveForm is a class of mybasfrm
the code in ActiveForm.Prior() is mybasfrm::prior()
in mybasfrm::prior() I return a parameter
how can i get the return-value in ActiveForm.Prior()
I try...
Tamar, thank you!
I did not know ATAGINFO() (you can't know all func but you schould know where to find it ggg)
loop and filter larray[1,1], larray[1,3]
if corrupt - delete all index and reindex and put the index to there position. super
10-15 years ago you show me a fast way how to check if...
Hi Mike,
thank your for this advice. The dbc was included and I excluded it, now i'm able to change the tags but now I get an other error like "the database is not valid, make a validity check" what could the reasen be for that.
Hi All,
I have a problem with changing the tag of a table in a db
The code is:
open Database plumber
use plumber!belege exclusive
set safety off
if !(tag(9)== 'belegid' and key(9) == 'val(alltrim(beleg_id))')
delete tag 'belegid'
Index on val(alltrim(beleg_id)) tag belegid
If I...
I try to check the tables and index of my app.
How I thought it could go.
Open the database and check how many tables there
This, I guess will go with DBGETPORP() but I don’t know how
here I need help please.
I don’t know how to write a loop to get all tables out of the databases.
If I have...
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