I think I must be insane. I took out the fix I had put in and reran for more troubleshooting and it works now. I *hate* it when things fix themselves. Now I cannot know the reason this happened. In any case, I will update if anything new and relevant happens with this program. Thanks for...
I'm using a Sun Machine. Would that do something weird? Is there an fflush equivalent I should be using if it's just the computer being finicky?
I mean, the code I typed above isn't the actual code I'm using (trade secret company ickness), but I thought that it should be a fair comparison...
So there isn't a problem. That has already been solved. But the solution doesn't make sense to me. If someone could please explain how filehandles and subroutines act and interact, I would appreciate it. Here's what happened.
sub one{
open (FOUT, ">sample.txt") || die "Cannot open file...
I can't run it in a subdirectory of the directory where it sits as there are none. However, I ran it from a different directory where it runs as it should. In the cronjob I use the full path name. I have written the requires using the following syntax...
I have written a script that works from the command line. However, when I run it through cron, it crashes on one of the requires. There are three requires, all written in the same format, but one doesn't work. All three have the same execute permissions and are in the same directory. What...
Sorry for my long silence. Halloween came and at the same time my workload shot up. Anyways, I managed to figure out that the cronjob is running (SA will not give me read access to the log so I kind of have to be creative about debugging), and I found the line of code that its barfing on...
I had already tried it with the absolute paths, which didn't work either. I tried changing the permissions to all users/all access, which I don't like, but it worked, but I don't understand why that would have changed it. The crontab is in my home directory. I was under the impression...
I'm on a Sun machine. I know that I can just read them into an array, but I need to know the reason they are coming out in a weird order. I don't want this to signify some bug that will strike hard and fast later. It's not ordering things in ascii alphebetical, date modified, date created...
I am writing a piece of code that right now I just want to read in all the subdirectories and files in this folder and just print them to file. When I print them to file, they are all there, but they are not in ascii alphebetical, they are in some other order that I can't seem to figure out...
I looked for the TK module. It's not there. But everything is fixed now. I hope. I think. I think it was just cuz I was using Exceed. I had begun to suspect it was a buffer issue. I talked to a coworker and he said that the Exceed buffers are wonky anyways. The program worked when...
This thing is still cutting off half of my data.
print "\n\nPlease paste your information now.\n";
@before_split = <STDIN>;
print "\n\nHere is what you inserted\n";
print foreach @before_split;
Please paste your information now.
240 0420 0520 0610 0625 DSS-27 POLR PB ONLY...
Thank you...this has gotten me moving again. Where can I find some documentation on command line input? I have not seen this [ENTER], [CTRL-D] sequence.
I think this will be more trouble than is productive. Although it really looks cool, I can only find the the tk stuff as .tcl not .pm
The administrator is very busy and is not going to be able to help me with this and I can't download without root priveleges.
I may at some point download that...
I've never used widgets before; is there a tutorial you can point me at? I find that documents such as these are more useful once you are slightly familiar with what you are wanting to do.
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