The formula {@seenornot} does not work? or I am not understanding what you mean.
Do I type everything from the table.admstat to the if statement in one formula? I am really confused.
I am sorry, they changed the date on me. In my database there is a field called admstat_c if this field has an A it shows the client Active. I want to know if the active client has had a service within the 3 month period. Which would be Jan 1, thru Mar 31, 2003. I am sorry for the...
Thanks for your reply.
By Active Client; I mean a current client that has not had a service or been seen by the doctor, in the date period of Jan 1,2003 thru March 31, 2003.
Example: this would be a client seen.
(chart #)00000 name(Jon Doe) )Date Seen)01/03/03 (Type of...
I have not used stored procedures before. I am new at this crystal reporting. Can it not be done through report expert? the data Iam trying to get:
Active client not seen with in a 90 days. Jan 1,2003 thru Mar 31, 2003.
I am looking for a date range formula to determine the following information:
(I am using crystal v 8.0)
I use the report expert to design my reports.
I need a formula that will give me a client list; of active clients not seen within this period 11/01/02 thru 01/31/03.
(No services...
I am new at creating formulas in crystal. I am using version 8 of crystal.
My question: This is what I am trying to get to in my report; I need to know out of my sql database what client has not had a active service in the last year.
If someone could help me with this I would be very...
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