Got it done using:
cffile action="UPLOAD"
<cfset mFileName=cffile.serverFile>
<cfset mFileDescription=cffile.clientFile>
Thanks for all the help!
I'm trying to employ the solution you provided in this post. However, on the action page Form.TextName has no value.
Can you see my error?
<FORM name="UploadForm"
pathetic, I posed the question about Studio on the board ran by my CF hosting ISP. They said Macromedia now expects developers to use Dreamweaver as their IDE. But, you can buy Homesite seperately; which is what I did. The upgrade for for CF 7.0 is supposed to be out soon.
I'm assuming you still want column headings and not row labels.
This would work:
What are you trying to do?
I didn't really understand what you mean by: "the CF page does not open in my default browser (IE6) but in Acrobat"
I'm guessing you have a HTML page created in Acrobat? If so, include the code for that page and the page that is opening in Acrobat.
Then I could...
Robert, maybe an example of how I use Acrobat might help you.
Once installed Acrobat is just another of my output formats. i.e. Acrobat Distiller shows up as if it were a printer.
I can then create a PDF from any windows software I happen to be using and distribute that PDF on my web site or...
Your link is absolutly correct. There must me something wrong with your path or file name. Or, possibly your browser won't open that file extension.
Good Luck
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