Im running Mas90. We have certain reports that Mas90 generates. I know where to locate the tables for my reports.
Id like to take one field from a table and add it to my own table. Im trying to generate a report using the talbes that Mas90 has. Theres one table that a filed I need. I can add a...
Sounds like youll need to Admin who loaded your accounting software. We run MAS90 and I spoke with the Admin to find out what tables held what fields. Not sure if thats an option for you. Your actual costs or totals wont be stored in a table since its based on user input and changes...
Thats shows the info I need but I wanted to keep the format. I have a report shows an invoice exactly how it will get printed. I ned the inv printed showing the fields where its getting the data from. So instead of the inv showing the total amnt, I want it show "Invoice.Amnt.(Number)"
Id like to produce an aging where I can show the percentage of each client based on the total Aging. In other words Id like know what % company ABC owes compared to all my clients
I think I understand your Q cause I had a similar problem . Try to loo for a field in your sales order or Inventory table. Maybe the filed is called Qty Shipped Qty ordered.
Thats where I found my field
Im using CR 8.5 and have a few reports that get used on a daily basis. The user needs to set certain parameters to get the req info. How can I set up the rpt so only the Parameter pops up. As it is now. The user can access my report but also chg the design and any other fields in the report
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