Thanks Rescue, I will try to do that later today. And yes I will answer your Pixel questions anytime......One funny thing, being I couldn't get these 3 xp Radiant 1220 terms to get fully installed, I decided to try something....I put Win98se on one of them and did the install and the same exact...
I just wanted to get back to you guys. I did everything that you guys said to do and again, it wouldn't connect to the master. So I hate to say this , I gave up. I told him it was time to upgrade. I do want to thank all you guys for all the great help. This forum is an awesome place....Thanks...
Ok guys, I will try to get there today, I know he is tremendously busy on friday, but either today or tomorrow I will do the additional things you guys mentioned and report back, hopefully with success....Again thank both of you for all the help and quick response....
One more thing, I did modify the host file on term8 to ALOHABOH #PRE I also created a host file on the master (term3) the same, but with its own IP addy....still didn't work.....
Ok thanks to both of you, I will try to answer all these questions. I do understand that I am dealing with an outdated version, so the crap comment was implying to that version. If I offended anyone making a living with Aloha, I do apologize, I'm sure the versions past this one are very good...
Man I worked on this thing for 5 hrs today, and still says master down. There is no Aloha Manager and utilities section. This is version 4.252. I tried everything, I even installed NetBeui and NetBios and IPX protocols and still nothing. I could create files both ways from term8 to master and...
Ok, I will go back today and do that. I did go there yesterday and did the other things you told me to do. Again, it connected to the server and I seen the business address and the DOB was correct, but still it said the master was down....So I made sure that this terminal (term8) was...
Ok, I'm going there today, and I will do what you said. I will bring the files you requested. The diag file from what? server, xp term or master?? Thanks very much.....
Ok thanks alot. I have the same attitude that you have. I don't give up either. I believe we could get this up and running..I will pay a visit there today and do exactly what you said....Thanks again
Thats is good advice. I told the owner that from the beginning. I will do that for him down the road, but right now I want to get these 2 xp terminals up and running. How do I get around that error screen???
Well, I did what you said and I got it to connect to the server.....BUT I got an error that said Warning: Errors have occurred Please Check:
At that time Term2(win95) term3(win98) and ter5(win98) were the only terms up and...
Thanks alot alohatech2, I will pay a visit there today and do that stuff. I did get a copy of the DEBOUT from the master term yesterday. I did notice that there is also a DEBBAK file and log on all the win98 and 95 terminals, but not this xp term. Is that a problem? I know this is a long file...
Hasn't anyone else run into this brick wall here? Surely someone could get xp terminals to run......I'm totally agrivated with this garbage software. Come on people someone throw me a vine>>>>
Can anyone read this debout file and tell me whats going on? And What is the right order to do a station install? Do you need an install disk or can you do it from the z:\alohaboh\bootdrv\terminst folder......Thanks
Ok thanks, I will try that today and get back to you. I was there yesterday and made sure the xp terminal was registered on the NT server as a aloha user with the password of hello. When I logged on to windows on the xp term, I logged on to the aloha account with hello as password. I logged...
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