She came highly recomended and had over 10 years in IT work. This is for a closed intranet with static IP's. I have a feeling I'm going to get an answer that I don't want so I'm heasitant to ask this question but what makes you ask about the access-list's?
On a side note I was able to resolve...
So we had a consultant come in and set up two ASA 5505's with a site to site vpn configuration. When we left last night we could establish an ftp connection from home to site1 and the other way around. Now this morning I am able to ftp from home to site1 however not from site1 to home. All I...
I did that and tried to ping from the computer all over the place and it didn't show anything in my hyper terminal window or even the ADSM logging. Its like there isn't even traffic thats attempting to flow.
Its not showing anything. Am I supposed to be setting my debug level to something then using a different command to view it? I haven't used the CLI before and from the help command it appears that -debug crypto isakmp is just to set the debug levels.
Sorry for the dumb questions. I really...
Result of the command: "show crypto isakmp"
There are no isakmp sas
Global IKE Statistics
Active Tunnels: 0
Previous Tunnels: 7
In Octets: 11120
In Packets: 47
In Drop Packets: 10
In Notifys: 20
In P2 Exchanges: 0
In P2 Exchange Invalids: 0
In P2 Exchange Rejects: 0
In P2 Sa Delete...
I am somewhat of a newbie at this stuff but I am trying to set up a site to site vpn using two Cisco ASA 5505's. I went through the wizard on the ADSM but I can't seem to get the tunnel to come up. I have it set up as follows:
Comp #1 --- cat5 --- (inside)ASA #1(outside) --- cat5 ---...
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