Thanks for the previousposts, have been a help here is the line for login that I still am having trouble with.
objImpApp.OpenCatalog "n:\Prime\Cognos\catalogs\daily.cat","Creator",,"sa",
This returns an error Error number -9:
DMS-E-GENERAL, A general exception has occurred during...
Thanks for the script, being a novice a have a couple more questions,
1. After creator you have a few coms and a 1. I understand that this is probably a pause for action on the computer. I have to log in to my database, how do i set this.
2. I get an error "object is set to...
I am able to save a report as a csv file in Impromptu 7.1. What I need to do is have an auto created report also saved as .csv file, and I need to have this happen automatically nightly. I believe that I can use the script editor to do this, but I cannot get a script configured to do this...
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