I already have a 6Gb and a 20 Gb drive and I am thinking of adding a 40Gb drive.
What is the maximum size I can add with Win98 without having to partition the drive?
I alreay have 2 hards drivers, a CD reader and a CD burner on my PC. I was wondering what are the options for adding a third hard drive as the existing cables only allow for 4 devices?
Thanks again for your advice. You are right about being a hardware problem. I finally traced the problems to the disk ribbon cable, after 3 wasted days, but I learnt alot. Now fixed and working.
I have decided not to use boot manager at this stage and just change boot sequence in bios...
Thanks again for your advice. You are right about being a hardware problem. I finally traced the problems to the disk ribbon cable, after 3 wasted days, but I learnt alot. Now fixed and working.
I have decided not to use boot manager at this stage and just change boot sequence in bios...
Futher to my last reply, I have used a disk editor to view the boot sector on my 98 drive. The partition table only has one entry.
Should it have 2 entries if it is to know about my second physical drive or is this information stored somewhere else?
e.g. the bios knows I have 2...
wolluf - some answers to your questions
Q. You said it took 3 attempts to install win2k - why? (were there problems? - if so, what).
A. Yes there was a problem - 2k installed files and then found a problem and asked me to reboot. I got the same message about 3 times but after that it worked...
I carried out procedure as you suggested.
I disconnected 1st drive, installed 2k ok on 2nd drive after 3 attempts.
I reconnected 1st drive - it booted ok in 98 and I could access 2nd drive.
I did the boot-us install using floppy drive.
Again 98 booted ok.
Then my problems began.
Thanks for the url. I found it helpful. The web page is about dual booting Win98 and Win2K from the same hard drive. What I would like to know is whether it is possible to boot Win2K from the second (slave) drive.
Has anyone done this successfully or otherwise?
I have Win98 installed on my 6Gb C: drive. (Fat32 files).
I also have a second drive D: 20 Gb which I use as a backup to C: drive.
I would like to install Win 2000 on D: drive and then have a dual boot system i.e. boot from Win98 on C: drive or Win2000 on D: Drive. Is this possible. If so, how...
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