Hi! I've made an ISAPI application that create and write some files to a local folder. It does create files but for some reason it doesnt write into them.
I think the permissions are right: IUSR_ and IWAM_ have read/write permissions in that folder.
I even test with Everyone on Full Control...
Hi! I'm trying to make a file upload:
Dim InfoRead
Dim objStream
Dim strFileName
strFileName = Server.MapPath("temp.dat")
response.write strFilename
InfoRead = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Mode = 2...
As a matter of fact I already solve it. I created the table with the Select Into and then add the autoincrement field with an Alter Table statement.
Thanks a lot anyway.
No, what I want is to create an autoincremental field for the new table not using the input's one.
What I mean is, for example, if the input table is:
id email name
1 a@a.com abcd
2 b@b.com bcde
3 c@c.com efgh
4 d@d.com bcde
And the select statement is:
Does anybody know how to add an autoincrement field in a Select Into statement?
This is what im doing, but doesn work:
INTO NewTable
FROM UsersTable
Thanks in advance!
Im creating a table with an SQL query and I want to set a validation rule to a numeric (long) field. My db is in MS Access 2000.
I need something like this (but this doesnt work):
CREATE TABLE tablename (fieldname LONG CONSTRAINT CHECK constrainname (>=0 and <=50000))
Does anybody know who...
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