hey sleipnir214--- this is what am using i didnt include the quotes as above
the error is as follows n doesnt say anything about the characters
Notice: Use of undefined constant ”memory_limit” - assumed '”memory_limit”' in C:\Program Files\Apache...
am using php on apache server to upload mp3 file .how do i increase the memmory limit to 16m.
ive tried putting this code [ini_set(”memory_limit”,”16M”);] at the top of my php code but it gives me this error.
Notice: Use of undefined constant ”memory_limit” - assumed '”memory_limit”' in...
how can i redirect to target main window from an i frame.
ive tried using TARGET="_top" and that doesnt seem to work
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://www.zzzzzzzz.org.au/main.php" TARGET="_top">
Works perfect in all other browsers apart from Internet explorer.the document height in explorer is not resized to the loaded iframe.
any help????? or what am I doing wrong --kharddie
i really dont know why this code cant just run .any help
function ValidateForm(){
var emailID=document.signup.email
var userID=document.signup.user
var given_nameID=document.signup.given_name
var sir_nameID=document.signup.sir_name
var countryID=document.signup.country
hey mbrooks i did put the functions after the divs but it still show some syntax errors on line 2...any ideas thanks
view in internet expolorer
am geting page errors when using this javascript code in internet explorer but non in firefox (works fine)... any help coz my page does open the left side menu ???????
<script type="text/javascript">
var loadedobjects=""
var rootdomain="http://"+window.location.hostname
help-- why cant this php page be processed inside a html document....but when i run it on its own in a php document it works fine.
any ideas?? i have to run it inside a html page in a table ...thank you.
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"...
i ment the template is echoed and processed as template.htm when called by the index.php instead of template.php which should be tha case for the php "includes" to work
hey Itshim, jpadie the problem am still having is that this template is echoed as a .htm to the browser so the php part wont run and the results of the index.php is just the tables showing. the same thing happens when i tried to save and run the template on its own as template.htm only the...
php is working , bacause when i run the template.php with the files directory it works fine.(befor i put the {}to turn it into a template).
index.php runs well and just shows blank tables (i changed the table borders to "1" in the template.php above).
no error messages either
is it because i...
am running apache on my local server but still nothing ...below is the template.php and the php page that calls the template using the class above (HtmlTemplate.class)
<title> Page 1 </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{CSS}"/>...
Hey guys
how do i customise this class so that the Creatpage() function ( page send to the browser) is processed as a php page instead of a html page . my html template has php include codes in the tables so it has to be processed as .php ?????
tried to save the template.php as template.inc and...
how do i do that Vragabond????
how do i customise this class so that the Creatpage() function or thepage that is send to the browser is processed as a php page instead of a html page because my html template(the one above) has php include codes in the tables so it has to be processed as .php...
how come i cant creat a template with inc extention using this code or does it have to be full html and no php?when i use it nothing happens?????
<title> Page 1 </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="kenyathez.css"/>
include ("{TOPHTM}");
hey one more prob, my images keep flashing using setInterval(setIframeHeight() is there any way i stop the loop afre two sec
tried this but doesnt work -----
function newloadedheight() {
showtime=setInterval('setIframeHeight( \'ifrm\')', 1000);
if (showtime){
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