Thanx again, yes I did , and then I retried whole process, no error messages or ilk, so just now 1,222Mb instead of 1636Mb, however life goes on, and i'm not getting shot at.Grateful for small mercies.
Many thanks, I tried this, but with no effect.
After the return and 'G', it reported this before the 'Q'
AX=0000 BX=3800 CX=0001 DX=0080 SP=FFEE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000 DS=22A1 ES=3800 SS=22A1 CS=22A1 IP=0110 NV UP EI PL ZR PE NC 22A1:0110 CC INT 3
Just thought I would include this in...
Hi all, Just got a broadband home network running, and as I am tinkering with Linux4win to get into it, thought I would add an old P200 system in, justas a backup for University documents etc.
Thought the Fujitsu1636Tau had been through a lot over the years, so performed a low level (zero fill)...
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