Not sure if this is relevant or not,
When I close the db and reopen it, the form works fine.
It just seems that its not deleting the previous selections.
All the error and parameters are gone. Only thing left is that when I run the report, the names from the last run remain.
Example: I run the report for cadets a,b, and c.
Close form after printing.
Open form and run for cadets e,f,and g.
When I veiw the report, it shows a,b,c,e,f, and g.
Code as follows:
DoCmd.OpenReport "Medical Data", , , "InStr(1, Cadet_Names(),[Cadet_Names])>0"
I'm in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada.
Right next door to Alaska, go there all the time.
Got rid of the parameter request by making the record source for the medical report the qryData as you said to. (missed that one)
Now I get a blank report eventhough I've selected numerous names.
When I click the report button I still get a parameter request for "Cadet_Names".
Also curious if the "qryData" should end up bring up the entire "Data" table?
I've put the code into a module.
What exactly do I have to do to remove the vdata from the DIM statement. Deleting it doesn't work.
Sorry for being so dense
I've created the queries "qryCadetNames" and "qryData"
Following code is behind my command button.
Getting a pop up to enter parameter "Cadet_Names"
Private Sub cmdRunReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdRunReport_Click
Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control, vData As String
Dim varItm As Variant...
Before I change things, The list box that I currently have is showing the cadets full name. If I can get rid of the "enter parameter" pop up, it should be OK??
The field for the cadet name is "Last Name". Also have a field for "First Name".
Tried entering a cadet's name and it printed out fine.
Is there also a way to add the first name? Have multiple last names.
I still get the pop up "Enter Parameter Value" for "vData"
If I click enter without entering a value, it prints the report without any information, just the headers, etc.
Obviously I mucked something up.
Tables that I have are
"Data" - contains the names of the cadets(students)
Have created the form "frmSelectCadet"
List box is named "lstCadets"
This is the code behind the On Click
Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control, vData As String
Dim varItm As Variant
I've got an existing table with the people in it and I've created a table with meeting dates that are given ID numbers. I just can't seem to grasp how to put them together to keep track of attendance.
I have a report that lists information about students for going on trips. I need a way that the user can decide which students names will appear on the report. Students that are not on the trip shouldn't be on the report.
Any help appreciated
Not sure of the most effecient way to keep track of a groups attendance.
The group meets once a week. There are between 20 and 40 people. Need to be able to mark every person as either "present", "excused", "sick", or "awol".
All personal information is currently in a table named "Data".
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