I disconnected the USB hub which contained all the USB devices, I also removed cards that weren't in use. It started up and I didn't get the two long beeps and two short beeps I normally got on boot up from the MB logo screen. The computer even ran for a bit before rebooting.
Thinking it maybe...
Devices that I use:
1. Internal Zip 250 drive
2. 3.5 Floppy Drive
5. Sound Blaster Audigy
6. External USB HD
7. 1 Internal 160 GB drive
8. Ethernet NIC
9. AGP GeForce 256 MB
10. There are two temperature guages in the Case
11. 4 fans
12. Lexmark All-in-one printer
13. 3...
This problem has been plaguing me for quite some time. While using the computer (if it will start up) the computer will reboot with no error message given. It will boot back into Win Xp (Home) and then reboot again within a minute or two, it will continue this process until I shut down manually...
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