I have setup a proxy server, I want to create a user name password for a backend application to authenticate, but I don't want the browser to prompt instead the proxy should read from a file where I store username password, and if both match it pass through to the backend application.
I have...
Now my script is working. But there is another problem. How to to ignore space within the line. When I take one line for processing it takes first part upto space one line and the relaining part as another line. How to overcome this problem.
Your help is appreciated.
Your solution is ok to just print the fields. But how to assign each field value to a variable. say get the field1 value of line one and apply to A, and field 2 value of line one to B and so on. I want to process one line at a time. Your solution will just print all the specified...
Ok, Here is another example: I have the following in one line. All the line will have the same format of records.
Your first solution would print all the records in the specified field. I want to assign the value one record at a time and assign the value to a variable and then go to the next line. Basically it shoudl process line by line.
I want to assign the valu to a variable. Your...
I have a web server log file like this. - - [20/Oct/2004:00:00:17 - 0700] "GET /images/grey_dot.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 - 304 - - - 451 120 572 1 20 0
I want to assign each field in to a variable and format the records and prepare a report in readable format. The log file has...
Still, I did not get answer to my question. I do not want to touch any of the content, not even a single file. I do not want to remove any file. I just want to redirect all the pages to index.html where I will replace the index.html page with maintenance page. I do not care about 404 errors.
Well, New users can not see other index.html page. But If someone have already bookmarked with a specific URL they will be able to reach the page directly. I want to block that traffic also and redirect to index.html. You got me?
I am not talking about the error pages. I want to redirect all the valid pages to be redirected to a standard page, say maintenance page.
Example: http://www.yourserver.com/products/products.html
The above pages is valid, but I want to redirect to http://www.yourserver.com.
Hi guys,
I have installed apache version 2.x, I want to redirect all the contents to be redirected to index.html. Even if some users have bookmarked some URL when they hit the page should be redirected to index.html. Basically I want to block the whole site with some splash page.
Note: I do...
I find this forum is really incredible. I have some problems with my Apache server version 2.x running on Unix. I want to all the URL path to a specific page say maintenance.html. I did this using ProxyPass / <maintenance.html> but it did not block other pages except the home page.
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