Thanks Mike and Wardy66 thats what I was trying to find out. Would you have the time to give me an example of how to use Expect to accomplish what I need to do? As for Chapter11, I'm telneting into the device and asking it to save files locally to flash and also a pcmcia card.
You guys are all pretty smart, but I think your missing the trees for the forest. I have one, exactly one unix box not two! Is what I want to do possible? Does the fact that the telnet session starts within the script mean I can't have the script pass the user name and password?
I guess I'm confussing everyone. I manage a network with HP OV and would like to automate the saving of files to non unix based devices that support telnet. I need to have the script respond to the login prompt and then I guess I can go from there.
Being a novice, can someone tell me how to input a user name Via a script once a device returns a login prompt for a telnet session? I'd like to automate logining in (telnet) save files, logout.
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