ok, here ya go, but there are some conditions.
you must have a form tag. i assume you do, but you didn't show it in your code.
you must use the value parameter on your option tags.
if you change the name of the form, make sure you change the doucment.frmtt referenece in the ReRoll...
since your Value is the same as your Option, you could do it this way:
Do while not rs.eof
str=str & "<option"
if lcase(rs("race"))= "human" then str=str & " selected"
str=str & ">" & rs("race") & "</option>"...
you could run into a problem if your 'races' have single or double quotes in them. if that is the case, replace the line:
str=str & "<option value='" & rs("race") & "'"
str=str & "<option value=" & chr(34) & rs("race") & chr(34)
here is what i would do:
<select NAME="cmbRaces">
dim str
Do while not rs.eof
str=str & "<option value='" & rs("race") & "'"
if lcase(rs("race"))= "human" then str=str & " selected"...
you were close. you need to pass the user id and password to your com object. here is how i would modify your LoginVerification.asp file:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Varibles to establish Oracle Connection
Dim objVerifyLogin
Dim strHTML
Set objVerifyLogin =...
i will try to answer this. if you create your checkboxes with different names, such as <input type='checkbox' name='chkBox1' value='Y'>, <input type='checkbox' name='chkBox2' value='Y'> and so on, you can reference them by their name. here is an abbreviated example,
con.open strConnect...
the include files must exist, even if the logic you have will not use the include file. iis reads the entire page into memory first, including all the include files, then parses it. you could generate a blank file for the ones you don't need.
i have heard the asp.net fixes this problem...
in response to the empty select option, i would put the empty one at the bottom of the select list, just for appearances sake. for example:
<select name="currentrecord">
<option value="Y">Y</option>
<option value="N">N</option>
here is a simple example, assuming you have com object installed with a function named test:
set obj=server.createobject("comobject")
obj.test request.form
set obj=nothing
don't forget...
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