I got some help here and came up with this
Option Explicit
Dim fs, f, fc, fldr, fldrname, age
fldrname = "C:\Documents and Settings\cornettd\My Documents\Test\"
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fldr = fs.getfolder(fldrname)
set fc = fldr.files
for each f in fc...
I got help w/code to do autobackup of files using the windows scheduler. To keep my drive from getting cluttered I want to check the folder for files older that a certain number of days (e.g., 7, 10, 30) and delete them. Some files I want to keep longer in some folders (I have a series of loops...
I just got time to try what you sent. I am getting an error. Error is Line: 1, Character: 8, Expected end of statement, Code: 800A0401 I don't see anything wrong w/the letter A in line 1.
Thanks, but won't that rename the file the same thing every time rather than one with a unique name? Unless I am misunderstanding the functioning of the third line above.
I kinda figured that but what I am looking for is the script to do it.
I was trying to do it using a bat file. I can get it to do the copy part just fine but I want to rename the file so that I do not copy over the previous backup. Somehow the db is getting corrupted ocassionally and I want to...
I want to schedule an automatic backup of several access databases from a server to my pc because of problems we are having w/the network backup.
I want to copy over to local drive w/a new name (original name w/date appended to end) and use the scheduler to run overnight.
bat file, vb, vb...
using cr8.5 and rather than using a text field the db devs used a memo field. i cannot figure out a way to get the text to show in a report. none are longer than 150 chars so not limited by the 254 thing.
any suggestions?
i am trying to pass sums from the subreports up to the main report in the details section to add to another value which is already summed in the database.
the subreports are within the details section of the main report and i want to add all three into one sum and put in the group footer of the...
i am trying to pass sums from two different subreports up to the main report level and then add them to a value in the main report which is a sum within a group. i can get the value up to the main report using the following in the subreports (other uses different variable in same formula)...
i have the following formula in a subreport that sets a variable to the running total of one column.
shared currencyvar payable_total :={#RTotal0} ;
i want the main report to only show results where the running total exceeds a certain value (in this case 750000). i have...
will keep that in mind, the advantage i have is that the task id is generated by a sequence generator and will be incrementally increased by 1 every time a new task is created, the date is manually entered and the users have been known to put in the wrong date (go figure).
i will keep that in...
i tried changing the grouping to
and it did work! thanks to the first two respondents, i appreciate the help and your ability to grasp what i was looking for. need to do a little qa/qc to verify the output is correct
the inability to...
i am looking for the last record from the last table in the query. the assumption being it was the last entered. it does have a date and unique system id. in this case there is a "communication" table (like a mail log) with an association table and the third table with info on who and...
from a database where the id is the key field. right now i am getting all of the records from the table where the selection criteria is being met (many tables being linked) but i only want one output line where the id is the maximum of all of the records assoicated to the rest of the data...
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