So friends it is my fault sorry... in functions if i open file as "wb" and i read it "r" it cause a failure.At least i hope so. Cuz it runs ok now. i thank every one here...
hi everyone...
i am programming a game "find the true number"
there is user filing and high scores filing functions in it. when i run them alone (in main) they are running true.(they read true and write perfectly) but when i put them on the main program as a function they starting read false...
hi everyone i have a tos a80 and using turbo c++ but in my program ther is sumtihng wrong... can anyone help me??
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <string.h>
#define boyut 81
typedef struct kayit{
char isim[10];
char soyisim[20];
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