Yes, One company name = one company code. I need to display the company name for the ease of use to the user. I want to pull other information using only the company code. Therefore I feel in one of my tables I need the company name and the company code in the record.
When the...
I appreciate all the help that you are tring to give. However, all you seem to be doing is picking apart my every response. I realize that a pk can not change without being updated in all places that it exists. The only thing that I really want to know was the original question and how to do...
NO NO I ment the if a company name changed the a company code would change also. I have a form so that the user can do all of that. I did not mean code as in access code.
What I have is tbl1 (company info) Fields include company name, company code, and company abbreviation. Company name is the primary key. The second tbl (representative contacts) has representative name, company name (this is the forgien key from tbl 1, copany code, phone, email.
In tbl 2 I...
I have two tables. One has a company name and the associated company code information in it. In the other table I provide a look up box for the company name. Also in this second table is a spot for the company code. How can I populate box the company name and code portions in this second...
I am trying to generate a report based off of a query. However, I am using a dropdown selction box to choose criteria for the query. Once the criteria is selected, the query automatically runs and the data view is displayed. I do not want the user to see this data view. I want a report to...
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