I found the reference in the ansi table = ok
If I try to use the combination in an access table field he jumps from right to left and up an down, but the character is not appearing
When reading the subject you're reflex could be "this is spam" its a access question ..
I have a table with a few spanish words. I wondering how to write typical spanish character like ñ on mañana ?
1. how to write (copy pazte is perhaps the worste solution).
2. spanish is a latin language, can...
I wrote some code to send email.
If Outlook is proper installed on your PC : it works fine.
However, what should you write if you use the light free version Outlook Express. Can you refer to this ?
now I use
Set OL = CreateObject("outlook.application")
it activate Outlook which is on my pc...
Chr(10) returns a linefeed character.
Is there a reference list for the chr numbers ?
what is the Chr. number for ...
1. Chr number for |
2. Chr number for a tab
& "WHERE T_02_CONTACT.ID_CCT = " & iID_CCT & " " _
thanks ! I don't see clear but you have to close also the var iID_CCT & " " _
I have a sql to feed my recordset. I need a parameter from a form. If I type the value literal eg 83 it works. The reference to the formfield works also.
When I try to include the variable or the form reference in my WHERE clausule he said to few parameters. I thinks its a syntax...
If I try to run my code I got the error "types are not matching"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Has this to do with the references ? If yes, which one should you select out of the large library. I don't see why access is annoying the user with what should be basic functionalities as...
I figure out if I can work with this. The situation is, is that I have tree queries that should use the value of the dropdown list. These queries are grouped together in a unionquery and they feed a crosstab query.
I use between because he evaluated a date that should from year to year match exactly between the first of march to the last day of februari the year after
strYear = [Forms]![F_DAG]![lstShow].Column(3)
strYear of dateYear should go as a parameter of value to my where between statement
Between DateSerial([Forms]![Form1]![txtBox1]-1;3;1) And DateSerial([Forms]![Form1]![txtBox1];2+1;0)
I don't see. If this was a SQL Statement I could easily add variable to the string. However, I should pass the parameter (in this case year "2007" or "2008" to the between value.
sorry friends, easy problem, I found it while reading some issues on comboboxes on the internet.
The Column index is zero bases. This works
strFileName = [Forms]![F_DAG]![lstShow].Column(3)
I get the index value form the selected item form my listbox. eg 9.
I should get the literal value of the second column and the
literal value of th fourth column which is not visible (with 0 cm). This is not working.
Dim strFileName As String
Dim frm As Form
Set frm =...
I should get the year as a parameter from the fields year that I select as a value from a dropdown box.
However on testing first from a simple textbox the query said this is to complex to calculate
year hardcoded works
Between DateSerial(2008-1;3;1) And DateSerial(2008;2+1;0)
I know you have a limited number of VB Constants like vbBlue. How can I find a way or list to find the corresponding number for a certain color. eg. I look for light gray.
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