Anyone knows why if you ask in an evensink...
Dim objOriginalUser As WindowsIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent
Dim Username as string=objOriginalUser.Name
Username is always administrator, even if the logged user is any other.
Why? Is there any possibility to change this?
Thank you for your answer but I need to read file properies of files stored in the clipboard...
Nevertheless, thanks so much! and thank you for the faq links ;-)
Hi tsuji,
What I need to do is to get file properties such as modification date, creation date, length, etc...
I don't need to read the content of the file.
I understand by your mail that it is possible.
Could you please tell me how?
Thank you very much!
Hi, I would need to retrieve properties such as creation date, length, modification date, etc. from a file in the clipboard.
Is it possible or not?
Thank you.
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