That's correct. When I open the "rptConsultant Sales Report" access runs the "qryReport6" SQL query, and this then displays the "frmReport6" for me to enter the selection criteria into. This all works fine.
The form "frmFolderBalanceEnquiry" runs the same query ("qryReport6") which refers to...
I'm running Access 2010, and what I'm trying to do is as follows.
I have a Report ("rptConsultants Sales Report") which is populated from a SQL Query ("qryReport6"). The query accesses some of its selection criteria from a form ("frmReport6") which allows the user to enter three fields...
Typical! Someone points me back at my VBA and I spot the problem myself.
Although I can't be sure, it looks as if forcing a cell with no formula in it to calculate makes the whole sheet recalculate. However, the basic reason why the new sheet was recalculating was because I was telling it to...
I have an excel spreadsheet with VBA behind it. The spreadsheet has a "Template" worksheet which has all my formula etc on it. The VBA loops through data (originally obtained via SQL) and for each time through the loop:
1. Creates a new worksheet
2. Gives it a unique name
3. Copies all the...
Sorry, my mistake for not being specific enough.
I am running Excel 2007. What I would like to be able to do is:
a) Select a cell
b) Go Format, Format Cells, 'Fill' Tab, 'Pattern Style' dropdown
c) Add styles here of my own devising.
Is it possible to create these styles (for instance in...
Can anyone tell me if it it possible to create new patterns for use as the background for Excel cells? I have read Andy Pope's article on the subject, but as far as I can see that only applies to Shapes, not cell backgrounds.
I'm using PDF Forms for the first time, and I'm struggling to understand what's going on with the form that I'm designing. Can anyone answer a couple of questions for me?
1. I have been experimenting with setting up various pages for my form, building them as seperate documents with the idea to...
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