system setup - NT4 SP6 workstation, 2000 AD Domain
NT4 wrkst is a member of the domain and I can see the pc account in Active Directory Users and Computers.
The username i'm trying to login with exists as a domain account.
The error message when logging in says that the computer account is...
do not think that subst command can be used in this instance as the g:\ is mapped to an area on another pc.
The script that we have running is looking at d:\pathname but jobs will be in g:\ in the near future, so we need to system to look at g:\ each time the script refers to d:\pathname.
Is there an equvialent of the dos command assign in NT.
Need to have a program look to g:\ everytime it trys to access d:\pathname.
just copying the files across is not an option.
How would I go about publishing a calenders info on an intranet.
Running exchange 5.5, outlook 2000 and IIS.
can save calender as web page OK to intranet, but would like details on intranet to be updated automatically as calender details change.
any help would be appreciated
View the private information store properties for the server that you want to set the purge on.
there is an option to set the amount of days to keep deleted items for.
Give that a try,
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