The model number was evidently printed incorrectly on the drive. That's all I can guess. It is a 3.2gig HD, so it is probably 40D3 not 49D3.
At any rate, Maxtor finally helped out, and I downloaded the software needed to format the drive. All is well now. Thank you all for the input. I guess I...
Thanks for the replies, especially on the weekend...
I downloaded the Data Lifegueard Disk Maker from the Western Digital website and formated with it. The WD HD formatted fine and I loaded the WIN98 on it okay. I will try to find a similar aid at the Maxtor site, but it brings me to the second...
Also tried to format these 3 HDs (a Maxtor, and a WD, not sure on 3rd, it is not available as I write this) on 2 different PCs. Got:
"trying to recover allocation unit" every time. The drives come up with this at different times. The Maxtor at 33%, the WD at 16%.
What is the chances...
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