How can I change top bar of SPS sites without modifying each indyvidually?
I need to to change colour, different logo and add some links.
Thanks in advance
I modified onet.xml in templates directory but there is no effect. (according to:
I also restarted IIS. No efect
To detaile what I did:
1. A edited onet.xml from /......60/template/1033/SPSNEWS/XML/ONET.XML
2. the file...
The problem is that I try different users with reader, contibutor etc rights and everytime is the same result - the documetn is approved. It looks like each user has admin rights regarless whether he is assigned reader/contirbutor etc group.
Have I missed something in installation?
Aprove/Reject funtionality doesn't work in SPS (portal). I anabled the library for aprove/reject but every document (regardless which user creates it) is alrady approved.
There is no even such detailed list of priviligies granted to the user as in WSS. In WSS I can give only approve rights to...
Where could a documentation decribing funtionality of each web part be found.
Some behaviour of Web Parts are odd. That force me to check what was the intention of the author.
May anyone help me with simple macro.
I need to copy start/finish dates from subordinate tasks into start1/finish1 fields of their summery task.
I would be grateful if I get idea, key methodos or an example of mackro.
I'm doing that to achieve very compressed view of gantt chart that shows only...
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