I would like to embed an animation gif in a picture box or image box in VB6, but the gif picture just a static picture in the run time and design time.
Thus is it possible to embed an animation gif in a VB program?Thx a lot!
Is it possible to insert a Null value to a smalldate time field which is allowed Null in VB?
I have tried to assign vbNull and vbEmpty to it, but it prompts "The conversion from datetime data type to smalldatetime data type resulted in a smalldatetime overflow error."...
According to MSDN, it said that it is better to add the vbObjectError to the err.number in the err.raise.
i.e. <Assume error occur, and on error goto E:>
lngErrorNumber = err.number
err.raise vbObjectError + lngErrorNumber...
Thx for yr reply, zamp.
Ya, I forgot the -ve sign, it should be -2147220401,
but I found that the err number is different from which level of function call.
E.g. A() call B(), B() raise database connecion error to A(),
For the err.number in B() = -2147467259
For the err.number in A() raise from...
What is the error number of the Database Connection Error from ADO, when there is a physical connection break during the program operation?
Any error constant about it?
I tried one error number is 2147220401.
Any suggestion, thanks a lot!
My PC's power was cut off suddenly when I was writing a document in MS Word 2000. After I started up my PC, I can't open the .doc file, it told me the file path is incorrect or haven't access right. However, I have checked that the file attribute is archive (A), and the file path is correct...
I tried to use the "Cancel" method to stop the connection, however, it will hold up the FTP server and my program.
Then I can't connect to the server and prompt "Too many users"
Private Sub Form_Load()
How to increase the speed of adding items to a combo box?
The original code is as below:
//n = 11600, a is an array with n elements
For i = 1 to n
cboCombo.additem a(i)
It takes about 15s to...
I made a DLL by MFC AppWizard(DLL) project,
I would like to use that DLL's function in a MFC AppWizard(EXE) project, but how to import that DLL the project and
use those functions in the DLL?
Thank you for your attention.
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