Well, amazingly enough the above query works in MySQL 4 with no modification. I removed the DISTINCT. One interesting thing that I can't fathom is there seems to be some sort of limit on setting the string as source section in the second select statement:
'GroupRights' as Source
Would only...
I have been porting an app from MS SQL Server to MySQL and I have only created the tables. They currently have no content. This query cannot be run until I have all the pieces of the Jigsaw in place.
I just wanted to know if it was theoretically possible without changing any of the JOIN...
Can anyone tell me if this union query is possible. I am running MySQL 4.something!
SELECT UserRights.UserRightValue, 'UserRights' as Source, UserRights.UserRight
FROM Users INNER JOIN (UserRights INNER JOIN Users_UserRights ON UserRights.UserRightValue = Users_UserRights.UserRightValue) ON...
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