i need to select records from a table where a column contains a data like the following.
I am getting a syntax error: "Unclosed quotation mark before the character string '
'." How do i fix my query in order to get this record?
select * from cust
where custname ='Mary M'connell'
When I preview report in Access (looks great) and then click on “W” at top of menu (Publish it with Microsoft Word) and report is shown in Word as a .rtf document. The problem is the Word document does not look like the Access report after exported. Below is what I have created on the form...
I have a table set up like the following (updates by importing the excel file) and I am trying to set up a DTS package so it will automatically import the file on a daily basis since the file is being updated every hr. How can I code it so it will only automatically know which column represents...
I tried to import the txt file (the one i exported out from the original worksheet) back into an excel, and the data is there for may. I just right click on the db and select all task\import data. Something is not right the the original file and I didn't create the file. But I kind need to...
I am trying to import an excel file into sql (import data dts) and for some reason, after I imported the data into sql, “May” is the only column that didn’t get imported. I checked all the format of the column within the excel sheet and I don’t see anything different between may column and...
I did but then I was confused with {@SameAcct}, {@sameInvoice}, are these variable that i have delcare?? how do I do this? I am really new to crystal and still trying to figure out a lot of stuff on my own.
Thanks for the help. Actually, I want to show all the user who have changed the type besides user zy5897, and wy5689. The problem I am having right now is that even though I need to eliminate user zy5897 from the report but with this particular scenario, with “ W525 Q8588 tt...
I am working on a report and need to do the comparison between current type and previous type to monitor user who changes the type within the table except for user “zy5897” or “wy5689”. The report is group by acct# then inv#. I need to output the prev type (tt) with prev date (1/10/07) even...
Can anybody please help me?? I really don't know how to fix this..
the output I need is listed below: Actually I need to output the prev type =(tt) instead of th even though the user is =zy5897.
Any suggestion how i can fix this??
Acct# inv# prev_type prev_date curr_type date
Yes, it kind worked but it didn't generate the result I need because the select record.
the output I need is listed below: Actually I need to output the prev type =(tt) instead of th even though the user is =zy5897.
Any suggestion how i can fix this??
Acct# inv# prev_type prev_date...
I need to add user on the report and I have been trying to get it to work and still no luck.
the new requirement is to only output user who changed the type besides user= zy5897 or wy5689 but I will also need to output the previous data and type for each corrspond record.
I have added to...
I tried the isdate(rcvdate)=0 and it did return my record and I tried to convert to datatime instead of smalldatetime and I am still getting syntax message "Syntax error converting datetime from character string". I didn't set up this table and I have no idea why this person would set up as...
i have a field setup by my co-worker with type = varchar(5000). This is supposed to be a date field .
I tried to convert it to smalldatetime [cast (rcvdate as smalldatetime)] and got the error message "syntax error converting character string to smalldatetime data type.
how can i fix this...
thanks for you help. I am comparing current and previous type to see if the type have been modifidey by a user.
Your formula works and did eliminated the records that doesn’t have previous type for account come after another accounts which has a previous type.
If the 1st record within the table...
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