Hello all...
I was just wondering if anyone had a good example of an introductory letter for sending correspondence to potential clients.
I also have been seaching for a way to proposal(bid)for services outline?
Hey all...
Just a quick questions.
Does anyone know how to eliminate the deafult headers and footers in Calc.
I have a user who is complaining about having to change them everytime the create a new sheets.
Hello all...
I am new to Flash... So I have a question...
How do I display an error or a default image if Flash is not loaded on the machine viewing my website...
Here is my code... and thanks for your help!
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"...
Still haven't been able to find a suitable power supply...
Can I just use a regular supply as long as the unit fits the case?
Is there a chance I can blow out the MoBo if i use too much wattage on the PS?
Hello all...
I have a computer with a bad power supply...
The power supply model is 263919-001 with a replacement model of 271398-001. The prices for replacements are outragous 135.00 ea and up.
The wattage is 200 watts. Does anyone know where I can find a less expensive replacement?
Good day all...
My boss wants a form in Excel (why I don't know), but he want the user to be able to select one of several company names and the rest of the information "cells" should auto populate.
Can anyone lead me in the right direction.
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