I am using IBM cognos 8.4 with a cognos series 7 namespace that is working. While I can login to congos connection using my series 7 namespace, I can see everything that is in the public folders.
I have 20 or so different users and each have their own packages/folders. No one except the...
I created a new user using cognos series 7 and published packages giving that user read right and ex to Cognos 8. The user for whatever reason does not have permissions to access Cognos Connections public folders. I have done this before and it worked fine but there is a step I forgot and for...
I am looking for some documentation or preferably a walk through on how to set up cognos 8 BI to use sun one directory server. Any one know where I can find such a document?
Thank You in Advance
Thank you very much for your reply. I do have one question about this method: We have hundreds of cubes already made and I was hoping I could dump them in a folder and allow access to them. It seems that I can no longer do this as it looks like I have to make a package for each one and then...
We do not use Cognos to drive our business but rather use it to deliver cubes to our customers. We just purchased Cognos 8 BI and I am trying to figure out how to use it. I have the suite up and running with the examples GOSL and GORT working for the go_sales_and_Retailers example. All that is...
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