Well... Ok I start to explain "the thing" from begin :)
I've 2 input:
- a XML Schema file, that describes the fields of a single record (this file it's used to validate the form, as I said with 1 of my questions above)
- an XSL file used as stylesheet for a "view" of a single record
I must do...
ahhhh! ^_^
GREAT! ^_^
Thank you friends!!!
I'm really really happy!
Thank you!
I hope to help you if you need as you helped me!
Dakkar Daemor
Ytanium reviewer
Freeware Fan
Yeah thanks, so you suggest me to use a parser... well clearly I thought about it... but with what? a JSP? ...and how can I apply a given schema file to an XML fragment obtained by an HTML form?
...and after this validation how can I add it to a given XML file that works as a "simple" database...
thanks tsugi, but seems to not work with my javascript function to test them
function demoMatchClick() {
var re = new RegExp(document.demoMatch.regex.value);
if (document.demoMatch.subject.value.match(re)) {
alert("Successful match");
} else {
alert("No match");
1st question:
I've a HTML form, I must create an XML fragment from it and add this piece of XML to an existing XML file, that I use as a simple database.
For example:
<record id="0">
<record id="1">
Hi all!
I've a little question ;-)
I must create a regexp that matches only:
so I tryed with this one:
it seems to work well, but it matches also with:
truex falsehood and so on..
so I tried this one:
but this one doesn't seems to work as I...
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