You were right - thanks. The query runs fine now. I was testing it through Dreamweaver. Testing w/o DMX and it works fine. Same with the ORDER BY problem - that works too.
I wrote this query that counts the number of patients seen per day in an ER:
SELECT DISTINCT Format(TriageTime,'mm/dd/yyyy') AS [fDate], COUNT(Format(TriageTime, 'mm/dd/yyyy')) AS [ctPatientsPerDay] FROM ARCHIVE GROUP BY Format(TriageTime,'mm/dd/yyyy')
that works ok. However, when I go to...
About 6 months ago I had asked for assistance to help count the number of patients seen in an ER by hour. The query was:
SELECT Partition(DateDiff('n',TriageTime, InRoomTime)/60, 0, 10, 1) AS [WaitingTimeRange], Count(*) As [Patients] FROM Archive WHERE (TriageTime > #DateBegin#)...
Never mind.
I found this post deeper in the forum.
If you have a missing Security tab for file properties in WIN XP PRO you will have to go to:
Windows Explorer
Choose Tools > Folder Options...
Go to the View tab
Uncheck Use simple file sharing at the very bottom
Found this in the Windows...
I just got a new computer with XP Media Edition. Media Edition comes with IIS 5.1 but when right-clicking to set permissions, there is a sharing menu but not permissions like IIS 6.
I am getting several errors related to files not having appropriate IUSR_MACHINENAME permissions. How are these...
What if I want to compute the average of the three values derived from this query?
SELECT TOP 3 round(DateDiff('n', DispositionTime, NOW())/60,2) AS TopThree
FROM TrackingMain
WHERE DateDiff('n', DispositionTime, now()) > 120 AND AdmittingService=1
Cool. That works great!
Do you have a good reference source you can recommend? I cannot find any information about TOP in ADO, VBscript, ASP or JET SQl reference guides. Is TOP part of VB basic? Thanks again.
I need to write a query that will count how many days within a given time interval (defined by param_DateBegin and a param_DateEnd parameters) a worker worked. The table SocialWorkLog is a log that records encounters with ER patients. Each record is datetimestamped.
So if a worker sees one...
The TrackingMain table is only 40 records - each record represents an Emergency Room bed. Probably the client-side script to go through the table would be best. Part of my question was out of curiosity. I've been learning jet sql and vbscript and now am starting to get into ado. Thanks.
In a repeat region whenever there is a match of string text from one table compared with another, then I would like to set the background of one of the table cells. Something like...
<td background="<%IF {a match exists between strings} Then...
You were way right - way to many GROUP BY fields.
Thanks - also, I didn't realize I could use IN instead of multiple OR's. I always learn something new from you. !!
I am developing waiting room statistics for an Emergency Room according to the patient's acuity. In this non-acute query, the query should determine the average and maximum wait times; howewer, I am getting the same result for both the avg and max values. The value for both is the max value...
I'd like the dataset to count up all responses to this online survey. I should also mention I am developing this in Dreamweaver 2004. I'm getting the results from their test function.
Q1: What hospital do you work at?
Comer [checkboxQ1]
Mitchell [checkboxQ1]
DCAM [checkboxQ1]...
Can you place the alias name first in a SELECT statement? ctQ1comer, ctQ1mitchell and ctQ1dcam are all aliases.
I am getting an error message: The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctutation is incorrect.
What am I doing wrong here? I am doing a bunch of UNION SELECTS so that I can count the results of a checkbox field. This query only gives me back the results of counting the first condition [ctQ1comer].
SELECT COUNT(Q1) AS [ctQ1comer]
Windows XP/IIS 5.0/Access/vbscript/asp/Dreamweaver MX2004.
I am using a command (stored procedure) within an asp page so that I can write to multiple databases (there is another INSERT INTO in the same page). The command looks like this:
if(Request.Form("FirstName") <> "")...
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