Sorry for the delay,
The email that you get has an attachment which is the copy of the Excel form right now. (Form was built in Excel).
Thanks for the help
i have a combo box with a job # then the second combo box is a sequence # related to job #. Finally after the job # and the sequence # are picked two other text boxes are filled with the information linked to their fields.
This is in a datasheet view. The problem is when the second combo...
I do not have any access to the web server. Sorry FileNET is the program the company uses to build web pages(it actually is a horrible program but used because it is very easy for people to use.) It basically takes a Microsoft Word document and turns it into a web page. I will try to go...
Im trying to make a 'survey' with FileNET and Access, post it on the internet as a form and when the user hits sumit, the results gets sent to an email address(because i do not have a server for the database).
1. I know it can be done with Excel but can this be done with Access?
2. If...
i have a combo box that i need to update all subforms on the form and update all the fields on the form like the Primary key field. Any examples or ideas would help alot.
im trying to use kodac imaging program to view/edit files by embeding it in a form. I am using the activeX windows webbrowser object to display the program but it will not open in the Access form. What it dose is open in a new window. Any ideas or a better way of doing it? Also im trying to...
im trying to use kodac imaging program to view/edit files by embeding it in a form. I am using the activeX windows webbrowser object to display the program but it will not open in the Access form. What it dose is open in a new window. Any ideas or a better way of doing it? Also im trying to...
when i bind the combo it wont let me select a choice and says at the bottom of the form "control is bound, cannot be edited"
And when i put the text boxes in the footer section they do not display on my form
What am i doing wrong?
I have one combo box that depends on another. What my problem is that the data selected in the combo boxes will stick and when another record is selected that data is repeated. So when i change the data in one record, all the records change to the new data. Looking for a way to stop that...
sorry PHV,
i tried to make a query that is the Row Source in my combobox that has the fields that i need to link to the text boxes. As far as the code goes, i have no idea where to start.
i have a combo box with a job # then the second combo box is a sequence # related to job #. Finally after the job # and the sequence # are picked two other text boxes are filled with the information linked to their fields. The problem is i can not get it to work. Help!
I wanted to setup different levels of security in the access database. For example level one allows user read-only, level two gives addition rights and limit what can be files or forms can be added to or changed. Level three is full access to everything. I might have a couple of more levels...
I have a listbox that has file names in it. When a file is doubleclicked it displays in a textbox of a record in a subtable(which is in datasheet view).
MY Problem is if the user clicks the data again, it overrides the previous record. How to make it fill the next new record?
hi, PHV
I'm pretty new to the field and not highly skilled at coding. Where would your code be placed? (form load?)
and you said your code was a starting point - If i only wanted to only pull title, subject, and comments, would that be all the code for it?
Thank you for all your time, im...
Thank you soooo much ! I am fairly new to the field (straight out of college).
if i wanted to make every time the user clicked the file in the listbox, it would be put into a new text box(text1). The text box(text1) is on a subform, and in datasheet view, so it would fill the next record...
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